Drapery Cleaning from Dog Cat Urine Odor By PetPeePee service
Cleaning Drapery from Urine Odor & Stains
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Drapery Cleaning from Urine Odor & Stains

Drapery urine odor removal call 561-221-2815 or text us my 954 594 2564

How we Clean 
Silk Drapery
Cleaning silk drapery from dog and cat urine odor it's a specialties off drapery urine odor removal company by PetPeePee

Cleaning custom-made Drapery from: Dog or Cat urine odor by PetPeePee company.

A secret cleaning process that develop especially to remove urine odor and stains from 
custom-made Drapery such as: Silk, Cotton or blend Fibers.

The Cleaner we use.
The Dead Sea minerals play a big role in removing the urine odor, and the brown stains from the finest Fiber. This cleansing process is not including any, soap, detergent, enzyme, deodorizer, steam cleaning process or dry cleaner.

The Dead Sea cleaner.
Since 1991 PetPeePee develop a cleaner found in the Dead Sea, this cleaner is not projected to remove grease or heavy soil. The Dead Sea cleaner that we custom for each fiber, are odor free, organic and it is eatable.
 The cleaner design to remove, to eliminate, to kill the urine crystal that it’s in the fiber naturally. (the Dead Sea is the only place on earth that bacteria cannot live in.)
In the process of removing the urine odor, we clean the fiber from dust and soil naturally, however the main reason pet owner sinking a service from PetPeePee is, the total removal of the urine odor. 

And PetPeePee deliver it 100%. (See our Guarantee)

Brown stains. 
Brown stains on drapery cause by the combination of the Urine crystals, plus the cleaning products and the outside light. 
it is the perfect environment for Bacteria to grow.
In most cases under the brown stains there is a yellow stains (Bleached the Fiber Color, it's means a permanent Stains).

Dry Cleaner or Carpet Cleaner
Removing the brown stains from a fine material, such as a silk, cotton drapery, deliver a big challenge, there for most of the "Dry cleaner" or "Carpet cleaner" service cannot provide a written guarantee total urine odor removal.

PetPeePee Statement
In most cases we will remove the brown stains, however we cannot guarantee it before the cleaning process started. However, we will make all the effort to remove it completely.
PetPeePee service guarantees in writing total and permanent removal of the urine odor, without masking or cover-up by deodorize, (the Dead Sea Cleaner is Odor Free).

Please visit our Review, this will clear any hesitation.

Thank you, Meir Martin the owner and the inventor of PetPeePee system.

PetPeePee serious business for serious problems
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PetPeePee Oriental rug
petPeePee cleaning drapery from Dogs urine odor and Stains before and After.
Easy to ship drapery to PetPeePee
Easy to Ship
Shipping Drapery
Simply Text the Picture to 954-594-2564 
upon receiving, we will Text you back all the Read more
PetPeePee Reviews 

We remove the Urine 
odor the proper way, 
so you will keep us, 
as long you have a 
pet in home.